Troll Watch for 4 April 2022

Today's Troll Watch includes specific IP addresses that have sent traffic to and from Free Republic this past week. 

It's a huge amount of data that gets captured so it's a bit of a challenge to sort it all out and identify it but I've managed to identify the following IP addresses and they are absolutely from the Russian Federation

Memo to the trolls: I'm watching you. 😈









Caution to anyone trying to play with these IP addresses is that they may also host malware or other active defenses that can harm or compromise your computers. Thus I have replaced one of the octet markers with an asterisk to prevent casual or accidental connection to these IP addresses. 

That is all. 


  1. Without a method of tying IP addresses to individual users, this information is practically meaningless (unless you claim to argue that no one from the Russian Federation accessed Free Republic prior to 2022...which would be a ludicrous claim). How would you be "watching" them if you don't know who these IP addresses belong to? Without access to FR's administrative tools and metrics, how could you even begin to identify them?

    This entire blog comes across as an uninspired attempt at fedposting.

    Maybe instead of roleplaying in such a juvenile manner, you could do something more go outside, and touch some grass.


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