Additions to The List

 We've had a couple new additions to the list of probable Russian trolls. 

6thavenue Since Dec 31, 2022

scan_complete Since Sep 8, 2022

captain_jonas Since Apr 18, 2022

AmericaFirst101 Since Apr 29, 2022

There's also been a very noticeable uptick in longtime accounts suddenly going active on the Ukraine topics and with obviously coordinated Russian propaganda narratives. This is since the first of January. The trend is easy to see when you start looking at the accounts, their sign up dates, their previous absence on Ukraine topics, and their sudden activity on these topics where they often evidence knowledge of all the players on these topics.

The non-stop daily nuclear threats from the Russians keep getting amplified on FR. 

Jim Robinson (or Chris Robinson who sometimes uses Jim's account) keeps weighing in to silence anyone who upsets the pro-Russian trolls. Yet he (Jim or Chris) is conspicuously silent over the activities of the Russian trolls. 

A pro-Ukrainian poster contacted me about the use of profanity by the pro-Russian trolls and the absence of moderation. This is not cases of cuss words being slyly posted like $#it or some variation (which is supposedly against the rules) but instead they're being posted in clear text and ALL by known pro-Russian trolls. 

Since January 1, 2023 there have been:

Sixteen instances of the word shit being posted in clear text and searchable on Google. 

Two instances of the word bullshit being posted in clear text and searchable on Google. 

Six instances of the word piss being posted in clear text and searchable on Google. 

The same period in 2021 shows no such posts. 

That is all. 


  1. You're right about the abusiveness on the forum. It started picking up as trolling and arguing in September after Kharkiv, and has progressively gotten worse.


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