Troll Watch for 24 March 2022

 Observations for today's Troll Watch:

1. Since I started doing this the identified trolls refuse to engage with me anymore. It's been a glaringly obvious trend where they refuse to engage with me and will even cease posting on selected topics if I weigh in. 

2. One troll recently tried to misconstrue what it is to be a 'sleeper' troll. He claimed 'sleepers' were new accounts when in fact the definition of a sleeper is one who appears normal over a period of years until activated for a mission. 

3. Trolls do not donate to Free Republic. None of the trolls on my observation list donate to Free Republic. Not even one of them. 

Individually this means little, of course, but when 100% of the accounts I observe fail to show up as donating to FR it becomes a statistical improbability especially as several of these accounts are ten or more years old. 

That is all. 


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