
Why is Free Republic an anti-American site these days?

 Free Republic has long been anti-Democrat but ever since the second phase of Russia's war to conquer Ukraine started the site has taken on a decidedly anti-American posture.  The open hatred of America on Free Republic seems to me the kind of thing I'd expect from the Democrats yet here it is on Free Republic...of all places!  For instance here's a topic posted today and let's sample a few posts: And etc.  Any more it seems that Free Republic posts have a decidedly anti-American bent to them and the site hosts a chorus of adamantly pro-Russian posters.  The only question anymore is who hates America more? Free Republic or Democratic Underground? 

Tight times at Free Republic

 Let's get it started with this post by Jim Robinson today: Please keep those donations coming in, folks. We need to bring in at least another $10K before the end of the quarter. We can do this! Let's get 'er done. [FReepathon] 03/24/23 | Jim Robinson Posted on  3/24/2023, 8:52:05 AM  by  Jim Robinson Please keep those donations coming in, folks. We need to bring in at least another $10K before the end of the quarter. We can do this! Let's get 'er done. Thank you all very much! God bless. Gosh, donations to FR are down by 20%? Well that's just sad.  Damned shame that Jim/Chris has been banning some of the most active financial supporters of FR for daring to express opinions and observations that they don't like. It's so shocking that when you ban people from your site that they stop giving you money. Amazing how that works, isn't it?  In the forums the number of old accounts with a sudden and passio...

Additions to The List

 We've had a couple new additions to the list of probable Russian trolls.  6thavenue Since Dec 31, 2022 scan_complete Since Sep 8, 2022 captain_jonas Since Apr 18, 2022 AmericaFirst101 Since Apr 29, 2022 There's also been a very noticeable uptick in longtime accounts suddenly going active on the Ukraine topics and with obviously coordinated Russian propaganda narratives. This is since the first of January. The trend is easy to see when you start looking at the accounts, their sign up dates, their previous absence on Ukraine topics, and their sudden activity on these topics where they often evidence knowledge of all the players on these topics. The non-stop daily nuclear threats from the Russians keep getting amplified on FR.  Jim Robinson (or Chris Robinson who sometimes uses Jim's account) keeps weighing in to silence anyone who upsets the pro-Russian trolls. Yet he (Jim or Chris) is conspicuously silent over the activities of the Russian trolls.  A pro-Ukrainian po...

"The List"

In the aftermath of the Russian invasion of Ukraine earlier this year I started tracking troll activity on Free Republic. This is because of so many accounts having a noticeably synchronized set of narratives, buzzwords, insults, and tactics. All of which I have detailed in previous pages of this blog.  And I started keeping a list of the accounts that 1) demonstrated the above characteristics and 2) did not give me any reason to exclude them from the list. It didn't mean they were a paid troll it just meant that I had no reason to remove them from my watchlist.  Case in point is AAABEST (Since Mar 21, 1998). He's an asshole. Yes, he's pro-Putin and pro-Russia but he's also such an asshole that while the Russians might be thieving, raping, murdering ghouls I still won't blame them for the sheer assholery this cretin publishes every day. I don't think he's a troll, he's just an asshole.  But back to my list. There's mostly accounts involved with Russi...

"This account has been banned or suspended."

 Yesterday it would appear that JonPreston complained about my demand that Jon either produce proof of his lie that I have claimed "stolen valor" (a Federal crime) or that he apologize.  The Admin Moderator posted on the public forum for me to "Knock it off" and I obliged.  This morning I put up the following post of chatter I heard from a buddy in DC: In today’s Chatter and Unconfirmed Rumors: 1. Russian Army 20th Mechanized Division HQ (Volgograd, Volgograd Oblast) reported an explosion severe enough that communications to the HQ were impacted. There was an immediate downstream impact as communications to the 944th Self-Propelled Artillery Regiment, 358th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment, 428th Separate Tank Battalion, and 487th Separate Anti-Tank Artillery Battalion were down for several hours. Indications are that the explosion was a deliberate act of sabotage. 2. Satellite pictures from earlier today show the Antonovsky Bridge is now useless for all but foot traf...

Hate Mail in PM from a pro-Putin troll

 Another FReeper sent me a string of outrageous messages that were sent to private mail by one of the typical pro-Putin trolls.  At that FReeper's request I am redacting the identities involved while still publishing the content as an example of the increasingly desperate behavior of the Putinistas as their favorite dicktator loses the war to conquer Ukraine.  This is the kind of charming, erudite, and lovely people who support Vladimir Putin: 1. videos From (REDACTED) | 08/01/2022 10:55:36 PM PDT read YOU DO REALIZE YOU STUPID CUNT I DONT WATCH YOUR DAMN VID=EOS NOR CLICK ON THE LINKS 2.FUCK YOU AND YOUR FAMILY From  (REDACTED)   | 08/01/2022 11:18:06 PM PDT replied I HOPE YOU GET RAPED BY RUSSIAN SOLDIERS 3. FUCK YOU From  (REDACTED)   | 08/01/2022 11:19:15 PM PDT read i hope you and your family die of monkeypox 4. FUCK YOU AND YOUR FAMILY From  (REDACTED)   | 08/01/2022 11:23:29 PM PDT read fuck you stupid cunt 5. fuck you ...

Putin's Fanbois: Are they closeted homosexuals?

 The cadre of Putin fanbois on Free Republic has the peculiar commonality of making comments to and insults at other posters that all too frequently include homosexual imagery, homoerotica, and homoeroticisms.  The term globohomo appears several times per day in their discourse.  One poster E. Pluribus Unum was recently rebuked by the Administrators for posting comments at other users that were of a disturbingly detailed and graphic sexual nature. The disturbing comments were removed but not before Mr. Unum's rather informed homoeroticisms were read by myself and other users.  JonPreston seems to have been going in the same direction recently and a number of users took notice. To his credit, JonPreston did not post anything near as offensive and pornographic as what E. Pluribus Unum had posted. Still, the frequency in which JonPreston has been posting homoeroticisms was itself noteworthy.  The point being here that for a group that supposedly hates homosexual...