
Showing posts from August, 2022

Hate Mail in PM from a pro-Putin troll

 Another FReeper sent me a string of outrageous messages that were sent to private mail by one of the typical pro-Putin trolls.  At that FReeper's request I am redacting the identities involved while still publishing the content as an example of the increasingly desperate behavior of the Putinistas as their favorite dicktator loses the war to conquer Ukraine.  This is the kind of charming, erudite, and lovely people who support Vladimir Putin: 1. videos From (REDACTED) | 08/01/2022 10:55:36 PM PDT read YOU DO REALIZE YOU STUPID CUNT I DONT WATCH YOUR DAMN VID=EOS NOR CLICK ON THE LINKS 2.FUCK YOU AND YOUR FAMILY From  (REDACTED)   | 08/01/2022 11:18:06 PM PDT replied I HOPE YOU GET RAPED BY RUSSIAN SOLDIERS 3. FUCK YOU From  (REDACTED)   | 08/01/2022 11:19:15 PM PDT read i hope you and your family die of monkeypox 4. FUCK YOU AND YOUR FAMILY From  (REDACTED)   | 08/01/2022 11:23:29 PM PDT read fuck you stupid cunt 5. fuck you ...