Putin's Fanbois: Are they closeted homosexuals?

The cadre of Putin fanbois on Free Republic has the peculiar commonality of making comments to and insults at other posters that all too frequently include homosexual imagery, homoerotica, and homoeroticisms. The term globohomo appears several times per day in their discourse. One poster E. Pluribus Unum was recently rebuked by the Administrators for posting comments at other users that were of a disturbingly detailed and graphic sexual nature. The disturbing comments were removed but not before Mr. Unum's rather informed homoeroticisms were read by myself and other users. JonPreston seems to have been going in the same direction recently and a number of users took notice. To his credit, JonPreston did not post anything near as offensive and pornographic as what E. Pluribus Unum had posted. Still, the frequency in which JonPreston has been posting homoeroticisms was itself noteworthy. The point being here that for a group that supposedly hates homosexual...